Psalms 125:1
Those who trust in the LORD are as secure as Mount Zion;
they will not be defeated but will endure forever.

Dear in the Lord,

As is the background of the Church, we are an Equipping Mission Church that is Fulfilling the Great Commission as we are on the spiritual front line and building the Body of Christ as we go far and wide in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Central Africa in Partnership with Men and Women of God around the World.

Ebenezer Evangelical Church International/ Église Évangélique Ebenezer International meets on a regular basis as a church family members on Sunday mornings to praise and worship the King of kings and the Lord of lords , Jesus Christ and as servants equip God's people.

Pastor Mahamba Wa-ibera Evariste is the Founder and Leading Pastor of this Christian ministry.
Pastor Mahamba Wa-ibera Evariste has been trained in writing books and articles. He has written his first book titled " God's Plans and Purposes For Your life".

God's Vision for his life of Planting Churches as he ministers to People who have no Hope was launched by faith on February 8, 2014. He is serving the Lord Jesus Christ as he is based in Beni town.

Pastor Mahamba Wa-ibera Evariste is going far and wide in the Democratic Republic of Congo with his team as they do the below works:
✓ Preaching to many hundreds of people, civilians and military men and women.
✓ Preaching and Discipleship in prisons
✓ Planting churches
✓ Preaching in the nursery, primary and secondary schools
✓ Preaching in hospitals
✓ Doing radio broadcast
✓ Making Disciples in the churches that we are planting.
✓ Our Bible School is training students from the smallest and largest Christian Denominations.
✓ The Department of Community Development of Ebenezer Evangelical Church International is focusing on:
✓ Started nurseries, primary, secondary and vocational schools
✓ Training small farmers and entrepreneurs
✓ Training nurses as they prepare to start medical clinics.

Psalms 125:1 " Those who trust in the LORD are as secure as Mount Zion; they will not be defeated but will endure forever.

We are located at:
Democratic Republic of Congo/North Kivu province/ Beni town/ Commune Ruwenzori/ Q.Boikene/ Cellule Mundala Près Du Rond Point Bel Air

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We believe what God does in our lives is an essential part of being a community.

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Ebenezer Evangelical Church International (E.E.C.I)
Democratic Republic of Congo
North Kivu Province
Beni Town
Commune Ruwenzori/ Q.Boikene
Cellule Mundala Près Du Rond Point Bel Air